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Учебни материали 

Снежана Гочева-Илиева

Професор, доктор на науките

катедра "Математически анализ"




  1. I.P. Iliev, D.V. Fidanov, S.G. Gocheva-Ilieva, S.N. Torgaev, Computer study of the gas temperature profile in copper and copper vapor halide lasers, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2020, 52:78, pp. 1-7. DOI: 10.1007/s11082-020-2199-8
  2. S. Gocheva-Ilieva, A. Ivanov, Assaying stochastic SARIMA and generalized regularized regression for particulate matter PM10 modeling and forecasting, International Journal of Environment and Pollution (IJEP). Special Issue on: “Challenges in the Development of Large-scale Pollution Models“, Vol. 66, Nos. 1/2/3, pp. 41-62. ISSN 0957-4352 (Print), ISSN: 1741-5101 (Online)  https://www.inderscienceonline.com/doi/abs/10.1504/IJEP.2019.104520
  3. S. Gocheva-Ilieva, D. Voynikova, M. Stoimenova, A. Ivanov, I. Iliev, Regression trees modeling of time series for air pollution analysis and forecasting, Neural Computing and Applications, 31(12), pp. 9023–9039, 2019. First online 17 Aug 2019. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-019-04432-1
  4. I. P. Iliev, S. G. Gocheva-Ilieva, Optimization of the temperature profile of a high-powered strontium bromide laser, Electrical Engineering, Vol. 100, No 3, pp. 1537–1544, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00202-017-0631-2 IF=1.296
  5. I. P. Iliev, S. G. Gocheva-Ilieva, Self-consistent analytical model of the radial temperature profile of a high-powered He-SrBr2 laser, Opt Quant Electron (2016) 48:397, pp. 1-12. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11082-016-0665-0, http://link.springer.com/journal/11082, Published 26.07.2016, DOI: 10.1007/s11082-016-0665-0 IF: 1.055
  6. Gocheva-Ilieva S. G., Ivanov A. V., Voynikova D. S., Boyadzhiev D. T., Time Series Analysis and Forecasting for Air Pollution in Small Urban Area - an SARIMA and Factor Analysis Approach, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Springer, Available online: 4 September, 2013. Print version: vol. 28 (4), pp. 1045-1060, 2014. ISSN: 1436-3240 eISSN: 1436-3259. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00477-013-0800-4 IF: 2.086
  7. Iliev I. P., Gocheva-Ilieva S G., A study on life period of UV Cu+ Ne-CuBr laser by using statistical methods, Quantum Electronics, 2013, vol. 43, pp. 1014-1018. ISSN: 1063-7818, e-ISSN: 1468-4799. DOI: 10.1070/QE2013v043n11ABEH015125 IF: 0.886
  8. Gocheva S. G., I. H. Feschiev, New recursive representations for the Favard constants with application to multiple singular integrals and summation of series, Abstract and Applied Analysis, vol. 2013, Article ID: 523618, Accepted 22 April 2013. ISSN 1085-3375. http://www.hindawi.com/journals/aaa/aip/523618/, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/523618. IF: 1.274
  9. Iliev I. P., D. S.  Voynikova, and S. G. Gocheva-Ilieva, Application of the classification and regression trees for modeling the laser output power of a copper bromide vapor laser, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2013, Article ID 654845, pp. 1-10. Available online: 20 April, 2013, ISSN 1024-123X. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/654845, http://www.hindawi.com/journals/mpe/2013/654845/IF: 1.082
  10. Iliev I.P. and S.G. Gocheva-Ilieva. Modeling and simulation of output power of a high-power He-SrBr2 laser by using multivariate adaptive regression splines. Optics and Laser Technology, Elsevier, Available online 1 July 2012, vol. 45, No 1, pp. 461-468, 2013. ISSN 0030-3992, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.optlastec.2012.06.009 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0030399212002770 IF: 1.649
  11. Gocheva-Ilieva S.G, D.S.Voynikova and I.P.Iliev. Modeling of output characteristics of a UV Cu+ Ne-CuBr laser, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2012, 22 pages, Available online: 12 May 2012. http://www.hindawi.com/journals/mpe/aip/420782.pdf IF: 1.383
  12. Iliev I.P., D.S. Voynikova and S. G.Gocheva-Ilieva. Simulation of the output power of copper bromide lasers by the MARS method, Quantum Electronics, 42, N 4, pp. 298-303, 2012. IF: 0.823 http://iopscience.iop.org/1063-7818/42/4/A03
  13. Iliev I.P., S.G.Gocheva-Ilieva, K.A. Temelkov, N.K. Vuchkov and N.V. Sabotinov. An improved radial temperature model of a high-powered He-SrBr2 laser, Optics and Laser Technology, Elsevier, vol. 43, N 3, pp. 642-647, 2011. ISSN 0030-3992. IF: 1.515 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.optlastec.2010.09.005
  14. Iliev I.P. and S.G. Gocheva-Ilieva. Model of the radial gas-temperature distribution in a copper bromide vapour laser, Quantum Electronics, vol. 40, N 6, pp. 479 - 483, 2010, IF: 0.802 http://iopscience.iop.org/1063-7818/40/6/A03
  15. Gocheva-Ilieva S.G. and I.P. Iliev. Parametric and nonparametric empirical regression models: case study of copper bromide laser generation, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Available online: 2 February 2010, IF: 0.689 http://www.hindawi.com/journals/mpe/aip.697687.html 
  16. Iliev I.P. , S.G. Gocheva-Ilieva, K.A. Temelkov, N.K. Vuchkov and N.V. Sabotinov. Analytical model of temperature profile for a He-SrBr2 laser, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, vol.11, ISS.11, pp. 1735 - 1742, 2009. ISSN 1842-6573. IF: 0.433. Available online: http://inoe.inoe.ro/joam/index.php?option=magazine&op=view&idu=2224&catid=44
  17. Iliev I.P., S.G. Gocheva-Ilieva, K.A. Temelkov, N.K. Vuchkov and N.V., Sabotinov. Modeling of the radial heat flow and cooling processes in a deep ultraviolet Cu+ Ne-CuBr laser, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol. 2009, Article ID 582732, 17 pages, 2009. IF: 0.553, http://www.hindawi.com/journals/mpe/2009/582732.html
  18. Iliev I.P., S.G. Gocheva-Ilieva and N.V. Sabotinov. An improved model of the gas temperature in a copper vapor laser, Quantum Electronics, 39, N 5, pp. 425-430, 2009. IF: 0.791 http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/1063-7818/39/5/A07
  19. Iliev I.P., S.G. Gocheva-Ilieva and N.V. Sabotinov. Modelling of radio-frequency breakdown in argon. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, vol. 11, N 10, pp. 1392-1395, 2009. ISSN 1842-6573. IF: 0.433 Available online: http://inoe.inoe.ro/joam/index.php?option=magazine&op=view&idu=2105&catid=43
  20. Iliev I.P., S. G. Gocheva-Ilieva and N. V. Sabotinov. Classification analysis of the variables in a CuBr laser, Quantum Electronics, vol. 39, N 2, 2009 pp. 143-146. IF: 0.791 http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/1063-7818/39/2/A05
  21. Iliev I.P., S.G. Gocheva-Ilieva, D.N. Astadjov, N.P. Denev and N.V. Sabotinov. Statistical approach in planning experiments with a copper bromide vapor laser, Quantum Electronics, vol. 38, N 5, 2008, pp. 436-440. IF: 0.835http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/1063-7818/38/5/A04
  22. I.P. Iliev, S. G. Gocheva-Ilieva, N. V. Sabotinov, Analytic study of the temperature profile in a copper bromide laser, Quantum Electronics, vol. 38, N 4, 2008, pp. 338-342. IF: 0.835 http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/1063-7818/38/4/A07 doi: 10.1070/QE2008v038n04ABEH013628
  23. I.P. Iliev, S.G. Gocheva-Ilieva, D.N. Astadjov, N.P. Denev and N.V. Sabotinov, Statistical analysis of the CuBr laser efficiency improvement, Optics and Laser Technology, vol. 40, issue 4 (2008) pp. 641-646. IF: 0.892, doi:10.1016/j.optlastec.2007.09.009 
  24. Makarov V.L. and Gocheva S.G., Rate of convergence of a mesh method for a Sturm-Liouville problem with a generalized Hermite differential operator, Diff Equat+, (USA), 18 (1983) pp. 813-817, (translated from Differentsialnye Uravnenya 1982). IF: 0.236
  25. Макаров В.Л.,  Гочева С.Г., О скорости сходимости метода сеток для задачи Штурма-Лиувилля с обобщенным дифференциальным оператором Эрмита, Диффер. уравн., Минск, т. 18, №7 (1982) pp. 1167-1172. IF:0.302
  26. Gocheva S.G. and Makarov V.L., Mesh method for a Sturm-Liouville problem for a generalized Hermite differential operator, Diff Equat+, USA,17, 794-802 (1982), translated from Differentsialnye Uravnenya, vol. 17, №7, 1981. IF: 0.087
  27. Georgiev G. and Gocheva S., Numerical computations on correlation functions of anisotropic Heisenberg chains with infinite radius of interaction, Acta  Physica  Polonica A, No5, vol. A51 (1977), pp. 697-702. IF: 0.508
  28. Georgiev G.I. and Gocheva S.G., Numerical computations on a rigorously solvable model, Physica Status Solidi (b), 78 (1976) K11-K13. IF: 1.116 http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/abstract/112400097/ABSTRACT
  29. Georgiev G., Gocheva S.  and Milev  N.,  Green’s function formalism  for the anisotropic Heisenberg spin chain with infinite radius of interaction, Acta  Physica  Polonica A,  No 1, vol. A50 (1976), pp. 55-63. IF: 0.508
  30. Georgiev G., N. Milev, S. Gocheva, Phase transitions in a rigorously solvable model, Physica  Status  Solidi  (b) 70 (1975), 275-282. IF: 1.113 http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/abstract/112399686/ABSTRACT


  1. S. Gocheva-Ilieva, M. Teofilova, A. Iliev, H. Kulina, D. Voynikova, A. Ivanov, P. Atanasova, Data Mining for Statistical Evaluation of Summative and Competency-Based Assessments in Mathematics. In: Martinez Alvarez F., Troncoso L.A., Saez Munoz J., Quintian H., Corchado E. (eds) International Joint Conference: 12th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems (CISIS 2019) and 10th International Conference on EUropean Transnational Education (ICEUTE 2019). CISIS 2019, ICEUTE 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 951. Springer, Cham, pp. 207-216, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-20005-3_21 Scopus, SJR
  2. S. Gocheva-Ilieva, I. Iliev, D. Fidanov, Primary analytical model for determining the electron temperature of a CuBr laser, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 618 (1), 012018.  https://doi.org/10.1088/1757-899X/618/1/012018 Scopus, SJR
  3. D. Fidanov, S. Gocheva-Ilieva and I. Iliev, Statistical modeling of CuBr-Ne-HBr laser characteristics at high repetition frequency, AIP Conference Proceedings 2164, 070001, 2019, AMITANS’2019. ISBN  978-0-7354-1909-4.  https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5130821  Scopus, SJR
  4. S. Gocheva-Ilieva, D. Voynikova, A. Ivanov, M. Stoimenova, Two-step time series analysis for air pollution in relation to weather conditions: Case study of Nessebar, Bulgaria, AIP Conference Proceedings 2164, 120005, 2019; AMITANS’2019. ISBN  978-0-7354-1909-4 https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5130865  Scopus, SJR
  5. S. Gocheva-Ilieva, A. Ivanov, I. Iliev, Exploring key air pollutants and forecasting particulate matter PM10 by a two-step SARIMA approach. In: Advances in Energy Science and Environment Engineering III (ICAESEE 2019), Feng Wu and Peijiang Zhou (Eds), AIP Conf. Proc. 2106, 020004-1–020004-10, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5109327 WoS, Scopus, SJR
  6. A. Ivanov, D. Voynikova, M. Stoimenova, S. Gocheva-Ilieva, I. Iliev, Random forest models of particulate matter PM10: A case study, AMITANS2018, AIP Conference Proceedings (American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY), vol. 2025, 030001, 2018 Vol. 2025, https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5064879, Scopus, SJR
  7. S. Gocheva-Ilieva, M. Stoimenova, PM10 Prediction and Forecasting Using CART: A Case Study for Pleven, Bulgaria, ICEBESE 2018: 20th International Conference on Environmental, Biological, Ecological Sciences and Engineering, Asterdam, The Netherlands, August, 6-7, 2018, Conference Proceedings, 2018. International Journal of Environmental and Ecological Engineering, Vol. 12 (9), pp. 572-577, 2018.  
  8. Araceli Queiruga-Dios, M. Jesus Santos Sanchez, Juan Jose Bullon Perez, Jesus Martin-Vaquero, Ascension Hernandez Encinas, Marie Demlova, Snezhana Gocheva-Ilieva, Deolinda Dias Rasteiro, Cristina Caridade, Victor Gayoso-Martinez, Evaluating Engineering Competencies: A New Paradigm, Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 17-20 April 2018, Tenerife, Spain, IEEE, pp. 2052-2055. https://doi.org/10.1109/EDUCON.2018.8363490, WoS
  9. H. Kulina, S. Gocheva-Ilieva, D. Voynikova, P. Atanasova, A. Ivanov. A. Iliev, Integrating of Competences in Mathematics through Software - Case Study, Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 17-20 April 2018, Tenerife, Spain, IEEE, pp. 1586 – 1590, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1109/EDUCON.2018.8363424 WoS
  10. S. Gocheva-Ilieva, H. Kulina, D. Voynikova, A. Ivanov. A. Iliev, P. Atanasova, Acquiring Mathematical Competences towards Modelling: Example Using Cluster Analysis, Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 17-20 April 2018, Tenerife, Spain, IEEE, pp. 1469–1474, 2018, DOI: 10.1109/EDUCON.2018.8363406  https://doi.org/10.1109/EDUCON.2018.8363406 WoS
  11. I. Iliev, S. Gocheva-Ilieva, C. Kulin, Prediction of strontium bromide laser efficiency using cluster and decision tree analysis, VIII PPLA Conference “Plasma Physics by Laser and Applications 2017”, University of Messina, Italy, July 5th-7th, 2017. EPJ Web of Conferences, vol. 167, 2018, Plasma Physics by Laser and Applications (PPLA 2017), Article 04002, Number of pages: 5, Section  Laser Plasma theoretical aspect-Laser Plasma Effect. DOI:   https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201816704002 Scopus, SJR
  12. M. Stoimenova, D. Voynikova, A. Ivanov, S. Gocheva-Ilieva, I. Iliev, Regression Trees Modeling and Forecasting of PM10 Air Pollution in Urban Areas, AMITANS 2017, Ed. M. Todorov, AIP Conference Proceedings 1895, 030005, pp. 1-10, 2017. doi: 10.1063/1.5007364; http://doi.org/10.1063/1.5007364, Melville, NY: ISBN: 978-0-7354-1579-9  http://aip.scitation.org/doi/pdf/10.1063/1.5007364  WoS, SJR
  13. K. A. Temelkov, I. P. Iliev, S. G. Gocheva-Ilieva, S. I. Slaveeva, N. K. Vuchkov, Determination of spatially-resolved electron temperature in nanosecond pulsed longitudinal discharges, 6th International Workshop & Summer School on Plasma Physics 2014 (IWSSPP’14), Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 768, 2016. 012014, pp. 1-7, 2016. Institute of Physics (IOP) Publishing, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/768/1/012014  http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/768/1/012014/pdf WoS, SJR
  14. S. Gocheva-Ilieva, M. Stoimenova, A. Ivanov, D. Voynikova, I. Iliev, Stochastic Univariate and Multivariate Time Series Analysis of PM2.5 and PM10 Air Pollution: a Comparative Case Study for Plovdiv and Asenovgrad, Bulgaria. In: Proc. of 8th Conference of the Euro-American Consortium for Promoting the Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences (AMiTaNS'2016), Albena, Bulgaria, 22–27 June 2016, M. D. Todorov (ed), AIP Conference Proceedings, Melville, NY, vol. 1773(1), 110004, 2016. ISBN: 978-0-7354-1431-0  http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4965008 WoS, SJR
  15. Gocheva-Ilieva S. G., Ivanov A. V., Iliev I. P., Multivariate Analysis for Modeling of Air Pollutants and Ozone Concentration in Dimitrovgrad, International Journal of Environmental Science and Developmet, 7(10), October 2016, pp. 740-744. ISSN 2010-0264. doi: 10.18178/ijesd.2016.7.10.872 http://www.ijesd.org/vol7/872-A0004.pdf
  16. S. Gocheva-Ilieva, I. Iliev, Using generalized PathSeeker regularized regression for modeling and prediction of output power of CuBr laser, Proc. Academic Conference, Barcelona, 28 June-1 July 2016, http://iises.net/proceedings/24th-international-academic-conference-barcelona/table-of-content/detail?cid=40&iid=033&rid=6523
  17. Gocheva-Ilieva S. G., Ivanov A. V., Iliev I. P., Modeling of Air Pollutants and Ozone Concentration by Using Multivariate Analysis: Case Study of Dimitrovgrad, Bulgaria, British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, 14(3): 1-8, 2016, Article no.BJAST.23910. ISSN: 2231-0843, NLM ID: 101664541. DOI: 10.9734/BJAST/2016/23910 http://sciencedomain.org/issue/1567
  18. D. S. Voynikova, S. G. Gocheva-Ilieva, A. V. Ivanov and I. P. Iliev, Studying the effect of meteorological factors on the SO2 and PM10 pollution levels with refined versions of the SARIMA model, 7th Conference of the Euro-American Consortium for Promoting the Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences, Albena, Bulgaria, June 28-July 3, 2015, AIP Conf. Proc. 1684, ed. M. Todorov, 100005, pp. 1-12 (2015);  http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4934342 SJR  0.152 (2014)
  19. A. Ivanov, D. Voynikova, S. Gocheva-Ilieva, H. Kulina and I. Iliev, Using principal component analysis and general path seeker regression for investigation of air pollution and CO modeling, 7th Conference of the Euro-American Consortium for Promoting the Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences, Albena, Bulgaria, June 28-July 3, 2015, AIP Conf. Proc. 1684, ed. M. Todorov, 100004, pp. 1-11 (2015);  http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4934341 SJR 0.152 (2014)
  20. A. Yordanova, S. Gocheva-Ilieva, H. Kulina, L. Yordanova, I. Marinov, Classification and regression tree analysis in modeling the milk yield and conformation traits for Holstein cows in Bulgaria, AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 7, No 2, pp. 208 - 213, 2015. ISSN 1313-8820. http://agriscitech.eu/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/011.pdf, http://agriscitech.eu/classification-and-regression-tree-analysis-in-modeling-the-milk-yield-and-conformation-traits-for-holstein-cows-in-bulgaria/
  21. Iliev I.P., Gocheva-Ilieva S.G., A Non-linear Parametric Second-Degree Model for the Lifetime of Ultraviolet Cu+ Ne-CuBr Laser, Proc. 11th Intern. Conf. on Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Methods (MSV'14), WORLDCOMP’14 (World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Applied Computing), Las Vegas, 21-24 July, 2014, pp. 52-56, Eds. Arabnia H.R., Deligiannidis L., You J., CSREA Press, USA. ISBN: 1-60132-281-X. http://www.store.slicebooks.com/ebooks/801034-session-simulation-numerical-methods-and-applications
  22. Iliev I.P., Gocheva-Ilieva S.G., Analytic Model of the Breakdown of Argon at Low Pressure in Combined Electric Fields, Proc. 2nd Intl’ Conference on Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics (ICAESAM2014), organized by International Institute of Engineers, May 4-5, 2014 Istanbul (Turkey), pp. 96-98, 2014. ISBN 978-93-82242-91-8, http://iieng.org/siteadmin/upload/6525E0514066.pdf
  23. Gocheva-Ilieva S.G., Application of the Generalized Pathseeker regularized regression, Mathematics and Education in Mathematics, Proc. 43th Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, 2-6 April 2014, Borovetz, Bulgaria, (Invited paper), pp. 34-43, 2014. ISSN1313-3330. http://www.math.bas.bg/smb/2014_PK/tom_2014/pdf/034-043.pdf
  24. Iliev I.P., Gocheva-Ilieva S.G., Modeling and Analysis of the Breakdown Curve of a High-Frequency Discharge in Hydrogen, Intern J Sci Technol Res, vol.3, No 3, pp. 85-88, March 2014. ISSN 2277-8616 http://www.ijstr.org/research-paper-publishing.php?month=mar2014
  25. Ivanov А., S. G. Gocheva-Ilieva, Short-Time Particulate Matter PM10 Forecasts Using Predictive Modeling Techniques, Proc. of Fifth Conference of the Euro-American Consortium for Promoting the Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences (AMiTaNS'2013),  Albena, Bulgaria, June 24-29, 2013. Ed. M. Todorov, AIP Conf. Proc. Vol. 1561, pp. 209-218, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4827230 ISBN: 978-0-7354-1189-0.
  26. Voynikova D. S., S. G. Gocheva-Ilieva and I. P. Iliev, MARS Models of Laser Efficiency of Copper Bromide Laser, Proc. of Fifth Conference of the Euro-American Consortium for Promoting the Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences (AMiTaNS'2013),  Albena, Bulgaria, June 24-29, 2013. Ed. M. Todorov, AIP Conf. Proc. Vol. 1561, 240-247, 2013.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4827234 , ISBN: 978-0-7354-1189-0.
  27. Denev N., I. Iliev, S. Gocheva-Ilieva, Second-Degree Polynomial Model of Laser Generation for a CuBr Laser, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, Issue 4, Volume 12, April 2013, http://www.wseas.org/multimedia/journals/circuits/2013/035701-103.pdf  SJR: 0.177 from  http://www.scimagojr.com
  28. Gocheva-Ilieva S. G., I. N. Feschiev, New Recursive Representations for the Favard Constants with Application to the Summation of Series, ICMCS 2013: International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Science (WASET), WASET, Issue 78, June 2013, New York, pp. 167-172. ISBN 2010-376X. http://www.waset.org/journals/waset/v78/v78-29.pdf
  29. I. P. Iliev, D. S. Voynikova, S. G. Gocheva-Ilieva, An Application of CART Method for Modeling the Output Power of Copper Bromide Laser,  ICMCS 2013: International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Science (WASET),  WASET, Issue 78, June 2013, New York, pp. 215-220. ISBN 2010-376X. http://www.waset.org/journals/waset/v78/v78-37.pdf
  30. Gocheva-Ilieva S. G., D. S. Voynikova, I. P. Iliev,  Application of MARS for Modeling Local Nonlinear Relationships in Data on Ultraviolet Copper Ion Lasers, ICNPAA 2012 Congress: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Sciences, Vienna, July 10, 2012 – July 14, 2012, AIP Conference Proceedings 1493,  pp. 416-423, 2012 ; (8 pages) ISBN 978-0-7354-1105-0. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4765522
  31. Ivanov A., D. Voynikova, S. Gocheva-Ilieva, D. Boyadzhiev,  Parametric time series analysis of daily air pollutants of city of Shumen, Bulgaria, Fourth Conference of the Euro-American Consortium for Promoting the Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences, St. Constantine and Helena, Varna, Bulgaria, June 11-16, 2012, Editor: Michail D. Todorov, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1487, pp. 386-396, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4758982
  32. lliev I., S.Gocheva-Ilieva, Numerical study of gas temperature distribution in a copper bromide laser active medium, Fourth Conference of the Euro-American Consortium for Promoting the Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences, St. Constantine and Helena, Varna, Bulgaria, June 11-16, 2012, Editor: Michail D. Todorov, AIP Conference Proceedings. 1487, pp. 185-192, 2012. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4758957
  33. Иванов А., Д. Войникова, С. Гочева-Илиева, Д. Бояджиев, Времеви анализ на ежедневните замърсители на въздуха в град Кърджали, IX Национална научно-техническа конференция с международно участие ЕКОЛОГИЯ И ЗДРАВЕ 2012,17 май, 2012, Пловдив, Трудове на конференцията, стр. 505-510. http://www.hst.bg/bulgarian/PROGRAMA_17.05.2012.pdf
  34. I.P. Iliev, S. G.Gocheva-Ilieva, K.A. Temelkov, N.K. Vuchkov, N.V. Sabotinov, Multivariate Statistical Analysis in Planning Experiments for a New Strontium Bromide Vapour Laser , International Journal of Optoelectronic Engineering, (Int J Optoelectron Eng), vol.2, No 1,. pp. 10-16, 2012, http://article.sapub.org/10.5923.j.ijoe.20120201.03.html
  35. Gocheva-Ilieva S.G., Mathematical modelling and simulation of radial temperature profile of strontium bromide lasers, Proc. of Int. Sci. Conf.,  REMIA’2010, Plovdiv, invited paper, pp. 21-30, 2010. http://sci-gems.math.bas.bg/jspui/bitstream/10525/1468/1/s0%20%2003.%20Gocheva.pdf
  36. Gocheva-Ilieva S.G., C.P. Kulin, Development of LasSim software prototype for simulating physical characteristics of laser devices, Scientific Works of Plovdiv University, vol. 37, book 3- Mathematics, pp. 45-52, 2010. http://www.fmi-plovdiv.org/GetResource?id=399
  37. I.Iliev, S. Gocheva-Ilieva et all., Temperature model of high-powered SrBr2 laser, 2nd Int. Conf. Application of mathematics in technical and natural sciences, Sozopol, 21-26.06.2010, Eds. M.D. Todorov and C.I. Christov, AIP Conf. Proc., November 25, 2010, Vol. 1301, pp. 138-145, 2010. DOI: 0.1063/1.3526607 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2010AIPC.1301..138I
  38. S.G.Gocheva-Ilieva, I.P.Iliev, Nonlinear regression model of copper bromide laser generation, Proceedings of COMPSTAT'2010, Eds. Y. Lechevallier, G. Saporta, 19th International Conference on Computational Statistics, Paris - France, August 22-27, Physica-Verlag, Springer_ebook, pp. 1063-1070. http://www-roc.inria.fr/axis/COMPSTAT2010/images/contents_ebook.pdf  
  39. S.G. Gocheva-Ilieva, Application of MARS for the construction of nonparametric models, invited paper, Proceedings of the 39th Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, Albena, April 6-10, 2010, ed. Peter Russev, pp. 29-38. http://www.math.bas.bg/smb/2010_PK/tom/pdf/029-038.pdf
  40. S.G.Gocheva-Ilieva, I.P.Iliev, Modeling and prediction of laser generation in UV copper bromide laser via MARS, in: Advanced research in physics and engineering, series “Mathematics and Computers in Science and Engineering”, ed. O. Martin et al., Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Optics, Astrophysics and Astronomy (ICOAA '10), Cambridge, UK, February 20-22, 2010, ISBN:978-960-474-163-2, published by WSEAS Press, pp.166-171, 2010. http://www.wseas.us/e-library/conferences/2010/Cambridge/NAICIP/NAICIP-25.pdf
  41. S.G. Gocheva-Ilieva, I.P. Iliev, K.A. Temelkov, N.K. Vuchkov, N.V. Sabotinov, “Classifying the basic parameters of ultraviolet Copper Bromide laser, AMiTaNS 2009, Sozopol, 22-27 June 2009, Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences, eds. M.D.Todorov and C.I.Christov, AIP Conference Proceedings, CP 1186, pp. 413-420, 2009, ISBN: 978-0-7354-0752-7. http://proceedings.aip.org/proceedings/confproceed/1186.jsp
  42. I.P. Iliev, S.G. Gocheva-Ilieva and N.V. Sabotinov, Prognosis of the Copper Bromide Laser Generation through Statistical Methods, XVII Intern. Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers & High Power Lasers 2008, Lisbon, Portugal, 15 - 19 September 2008, ed. R. Vidal et al., Proceedings of SPIE, 7131, SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 71311J1-J8, 2009. DOI Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.816738
  43. S.G. Gocheva-Ilieva, EVLM pilot project - European challenges in online teaching and learning of mathematics, Int. Conference ICL2008, September 24 -26, 2008 Villach, Austria, Proc. of the ICL conference, http://www.icl-conference.org/dl/proceedings/2008/finalpaper/Contribution154_a.pdf 
  44. S. Gocheva-Ilieva, A. Rahnev, New Challenges in e-Learning of Mathematics via EVLM and IDeLC Projects, in New Aspects of Engineerig Education, Proc. of the 5th WSEAS / IASME Int.  Conf. on ENGINEERING EDUCATION (EE'08), Heraklion, Crete Island, Greece, July 22-24, 2008, Published by WSEAS Press, pp. 437-442. (invited paper). http://www.wseas.us/e-library/conferences/2008/crete/education/education71.pdf
  45. S.G. Gocheva-Ilieva, I.P. Iliev, K.A. Temelkov, N.K. Vuchkov and N. V. Sabotinov, Analytical model of the temperature in UV CU+ lasers,The 34th Conference Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics (AMEE'08), June 6 - 12, 2008, Sozopol, AIP CP1067, ed. M. D. Todorov, Melville NY: American Institute of Physics (2008) 114-121. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3030778 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2008AIPC.1067..114G
  46. I.P. Iliev and S. G. Gocheva-Ilieva, On the application of the multidimensional statistical techniques for exploring copper bromide vapor laser, The 34th Conference Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics (AMEE'08), June 6 - 12, 2008, Sozopol, AIPCP1067, ed. M. D. Todorov, Melville NY: American Institute of Physics (2008) 475-482. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3030820 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2008AIPC.1067..475G
  47. A.Malinova and S. Gocheva-Ilieva, Using the business process execution language for managing scientific processes, International Journal “Information Technologies and Knowledge” (IJITK), vol. 2, N 3, 257-261, 2008. http://www.foibg.com/ijitk/ijitk-vol02/ijitk02-3-p09.pdf
  48. С. Гочева-Илиева, Европейска Виртуална Лаборатория по Математика – нови възможности в обучението, Proc. of Int. Conf. Computer methods in science and education, Varna, 12-14 September, 2008, Univ. Press “Bishop Konstantin Preslavski”, ISBN 978-954-577-569-7,  2008, pp. 112-117.
  49. С. Гочева-Илиева, Асен Рахнев, Междуфакултетен Разпределен Център за е-обучение в Пловдивския университет «Паисий Хилендарски», Proc. of Int. Conf. Computer methods in science and education, Varna, 12-14 September, 2008, Univ. Press “Bishop Konstantin Preslavski”, ISBN 978-954-577-569-7,  2008, pp. 128-131.
  50. K.A.Temelkov, N.K.Vuchkov, R.P.Ekov, E.P.Atanasov, J.T.Mouchovski, I.P.Iliev, S.G.Gocheva, N.V.Sabotinov, Theoretical and experimental study on asymmetric charge transfer, Penning ionization and gas temperature distribution in Ne and He gas discharges with metal and metal halide admixtures, Abstract, International Workshop & Summer School on Plasma Physics, June 30- July 5, 2008, Kiten, Bulgaria.
  51. A.Malinova and S. Gocheva-Ilieva, Application of the business process execution language for building scientific processes for simulation of metal vapour lasers, Confer. Proceedings of the 3th Balkan Conference in Informatics (BCI’2007), 27-29 September 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria, vol. 2, pp. 75-86, 2007. http://www.pressboard.info/pressboard//Preview.aspx?articleid=51093
  52. S.G. Gocheva-Ilieva and I. P. Iliev, Mathematical modeling of the electric field in copper bromide laser, Proceedings of Int. Conf. of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, ICNAAM 2007, September 16-20, 2007, Conference Proceedings of American Institute of Physics (AIP), vol. CP936, pp. 527-530, 2007. doi:10.1063/1.2790197 , http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2007AIPC..936..527G
  53. I.P. Iliev and S. G. Gocheva-Ilieva, Statistical techniques for examining copper bromide laser parameters, Proceedings of Int. Conf. of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, ICNAAM 2007, September 16-20, 2007, Conference Proceedings of American Institute of Physics (AIP), vol. CP936, pp. 267-270, 2007. doi:10.1063/1.2790126 , http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2007AIPC..936..267I
  54. A.Malinova and S. Gocheva-Ilieva, Using the business process execution language for managing scientific processes, Fifth Int. Conf. “Information Research and Applications”,  i.TECH 2007, 25-30 June Varna, Bulgaria, Proceedings, FOI ITEA, Sofia, vol. 2, pp. 297-303, 2007. http://www.foibg.com/conf/ITA2007/iTech2007/iTech07-Book2.pdf
  55. I.P. Iliev, S. G. Gocheva-Ilieva, Temperature profile of the impulse discharge, ICEST 2007, 24-27 June, 2007, Ohrid, Macedonia, Proceedings of papers, vol. 2, 769-772, 2007. http://www.icestconf.org/images/proceedings/icest_2007_02.pdf
  56. A.A. Malinova, S.G. Gocheva-Ilieva and I.P. Iliev, Wrapping legacy codes for numerical simulation applications, Third Intern. Bulgarian-Turkish Conference Computer Science'06, 12 - 15 October, 2006, Istanbul, Turkey, Proceedings, Part II, pp. 202-207, 2007.
  57. I.P. Iliev, S.G. Gocheva-Ilieva, A.A. Malinova and N.V. Sabotinov, Three criteria for studying the breakdown in radio-frequency discharge in nitrogen, Proceedings of ILLA ‘2006 - IX Intern. Conf. Laser and Laser-information Technologies: Fundamental Problems and Applications and LTL ‘2006 – V Intern. Symp. Laser Technologies and Lasers, Smolyan, Bulgaria, October 4-7, 2006, pp. 324-331, April 2007. 
  58. A.A. Malinova, S.G. Gocheva-Ilieva and I.P. Iliev, Web Services-based simulation of metal vapour lasers, Proceedings of ILLA ‘2006 - IX Intern. Conf. Laser and Laser-information Technologies: Fundamental Problems and Applications and LTL ‘2006 – V Intern. Symp. Laser Technologies and Lasers, Smolyan, Bulgaria, October 4-7, 2006 pp. 315-323, April 2007. 
  59. S.Gocheva-Ilieva and I. Iliev, Temperature model and intensification of cooling of radio-frequency gas discharge, Proceedings of 4th Intern. Conference Finite Difference methods and Applications, Lozenetz, Bulgaria, August 26-29, editors: I. Firago, P. Vabishchevich, L. Vulkov, Ed. Rousse Univ. “A.Kanchev”, pp. 179-184, March 2007.
  60. I.P. Iliev, S. G. Gocheva-Ilieva, N. P. Denev and N. V. Sabotinov, Statistical Study of the Copper Bromide Laser Efficiency, Proc. of AIP, vol. 899 - Sixth Intern. Conf. of the Balkan Physical Union, 22-26 August 2006, Istanbul, Turkey (2006) p. 680. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2007AIPC..899..680I  doi:10.1063/1.2733421
  61. I.P. Iliev, S.G. Gocheva-Ilieva and N.V. Sabotinov, On the statistical analysis of the copper bromide laser efficiency, J. of the Tech. Univ. at Plovdiv, “Fundamental Sciences and Applications”, Anniversary Sci. Conf.’2006, vol. 13(10), 2006, pp. 71-76. http://www.tu-plovdiv.bg/content/files/VOL13(10)_848.pdf
  62. I.Iliev and S. Gocheva-Ilieva, Study of the weak to heavy-current transition in high-frequency discharge in nitrogen, Facta Universitatis, Series: Electronics and energetics, Univ. of Nis, vol. 19, no 2, August 19, 2006, pp. 209-217. http://factaee.elfak.ni.ac.yu/fu2k62/iliev.pdf
  63. I.P. Iliev, S.G. Gocheva-Ilieva, A.A. Malinova, Simulation of radio-frequency weak-current nitric discharge, Proceedings of IV Intern. Symp. Laser Technologies and Lasers – 8.10.-11.10. 2005, LTL2005, Plovdiv, 2006, pp. 250-255.
  64. I.P. Iliev, S.G. Gocheva-Ilieva, A.A. Malinova and N.V. Sabotinov, Three criteria for studying the breakdown in radio-frequency discharge in nitrogen, ILLA ‘2006 - IX Intern. Conf. Laser and Laser-information Technologies: Fundamental Problems and Applications and LTL ‘2006 – V Intern. Symp. Laser Technologies and Lasers, Smolyan, Bulgaria, October 4-7, 2006, Tech. Digest, p.189, 2006.
  65. A.A. Malinova, S.G. Gocheva-Ilieva and I.P. Iliev, Web Services-based simulation of metal vapour lasers, ILLA ‘2006 - IX Intern. Conf. Laser and Laser-information Technologies: Fundamental Problems and Applications and LTL ‘2006 – V Intern. Symp. Laser Technologies and Lasers, Smolyan, Bulgaria, October 4-7, 2006, Tech. Digest, p.187, 2006.
  66. I.Iliev, S. Gocheva, Numerical modeling of laser generation propagation in the atmosphere, J. of the Tech. Univ. – Plovdiv, Fundam. Sci. and Appl., vol. 12, 2005, 145-148.  http://www.tu-plovdiv.bg/content/files/VOL.12._203.pdf
  67. I.P. Iliev, S.G. Gocheva-Ilieva, H.I. Semerdzhiev, Computer modeling of characteristics of heavy current radio-frequency argon discharge, XL Intern. Scient. Conf. on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST 2005, Proceedings of Papers, vol. 2, Serbia and Montenegro, Nis, June 29 – July 1, 2005, pp. 705-708. http://www.icestconf.org/images/proceedings/icest_2005.pdf
  68. Gocheva S.G., Malinova A.A., Algorithm for generating and map coloring of a special type of rectangular Diophantine carpets, Mathematica Balkanica, New Series, vol. 19, No 1-2, 2005, pp. 85-91. Zbl 1082.05036 
  69. I.P., Iliev, S.G. Gocheva-Ilieva, A.A. Malinova, Simulation of radio-frequency weak-current nitric discharge, Technical Digest of IV Inter., Symp. Laser Technologies and Lasers – 2005 (LTL2005), Plovdiv, p.39, 2005.
  70. I.Iliev and S. Gocheva-Ilieva, Numerical results on the electric field in radio-frequency nitric discharge, XIV-th International Symposium on Electical Apparatus and Technologies, SIELA 2005, Proceedings, vol. I, 2-3 June 2005, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, pp. 95-100, 2005.
  71. Feschiev I.H. and Gocheva-Ilieva S.G, On the extension of a theorem of Stein and Weiss and its application, Complex Variables, vol. 49, No 10, pp. 711-730, August 15, 2004. http://taylorandfrancis.metapress.com/content/tgd6ehlxd9db1erp/
  72. I.Iliev, S.Gocheva and N.Sabotinov, On the stability of radio-frequency discharge, Proceedings of SPIE (Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineering), Bellingham, WA, USA, Vol. 5449, 2004, pp. 131-135. doi:10.10.1117/12.563118http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2004SPIE.5449..131I
  73. Илиев И.П., Гочева С.Г. , Инженерни методи за влияние върху устойчивостта във високочестотен хелиев разряд, Техническа мисъл, изд. на БАН, год. XLI, No 3, 30-34, 2004.
  74. Илиев И.П., Гочева-Илиева С.Г., Числено изследване устойчивостта на високочестотен хелиев разряд, Техническа мисъл, изд. БАН, год. XLI, 2004, Nо 1-2, 44-50.
  75. Илиев И.П., Гочева С.Г. , Числено определяне на интензивността на електрическото поле във високочестотен хелиев разряд, Е+Е, (Електротехника и електроника), изд. Съюз по електроника, електротехника и съобщения, София, 10-12, 2003, 16-19.
  76. Gocheva-Ilieva S.G., Kilimova H.N., Malinova A.A., Constructing Diophantine carpets, Tensor, N.S., (Sapporo: Tensor Society, Japan) vol. 64, No 1 (2003), 52-57. http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/10012827667
  77. Gocheva-Ilieva S.G., Malinova A.A., Decomposition of a rectangle into Pythagorean triangles, Tensor, N.S., (Sapporo: Tensor Society, Japan) vol. 64, No 1 (2003), 47-51. http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/10012827664
  78. I.Iliev, S.Gocheva and N.Sabotinov, On the stability of radio-frequency discharge, Abstract in Technical Digest, ILLA/LTL’2003, VIII Intern. Conf. “Laser and Laser-information technologies: fundamental problems and applications”, Plovdiv-Smolyan, Bulgaria, general organizer: Russian Academy of Sciences, 2003, p. 73.
  79. Gocheva S.G., Malinova A.A., Algorithm for generating and map-coloring of a special type of rectangular Diophantine carpets, Abstracts of International Congress MASSEE’2003, September 16-21, 2003, Borovetz, Bulgaria, 2003, p. 86.
  80. Gocheva-Ilieva S.G., Kilimova H.N., Brancheva M.N., An algorithm for creating rectangular Diophantine patterns and carpets, European Women in Mathematics - International Workshop on Groups and Graphs, 2002, Varna, Bulgaria, 57-60.
  81. Iliev I.P. and Gocheva-Ilieva S.G., Electric field intensity evaluation for helium-cadmium laser. Proceedings of the XXVII Summer School, Sozopol ’01: “Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics”, Heron Press Ltd., Sofia, 456-463, 2002.
  82. Iliev I.P., Gocheva-Ilieva S.G., Sabotinov N.V., Determination of the energy of main group electrons in radio-frequency He-Cd discharge, Europhysics Conference Abstracts, 34th EGAS (European Group of Atomic Spectroscopy), Sofia 9-12 July 2002, 401-402.
  83. Iliev I.P., Sabotinov N.V. and Gocheva S.G., Numerical model of laser level population in helium-cadmium gas discharge. Bulgarian Journal of Physics, vol. 28, N 1-2, pp. 39-49, 2001. http://www.bjp-bg.com/paper.php?id=5
  84. Iliev I.P., Gocheva-Ilieva S.G. and Sabotinov N.V., Computer simulation of the electron temperature and energy levels in radio frequence He-Cd laser, Journal of Technical Univ. of Plovdiv, vol. 9, “Fundamental Sciences and Applications - Physics”, pp. 11-21, 2000.
  85. Iliev I.P., Gocheva S.G. and Sabotinov N.V. - Primary mathematical model of the heat exchange for the RF-excited gas discharge in He-Cd laser system. Part I - Construction of the model, Collection of the Jubilee scientific sessions for 30 years of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics at Plovdiv Univ., 3-4 th November, 2000, pp. 113 –116.
  86. Iliev I.P., Gocheva S.G. and Sabotinov N.V. - Primary mathematical model of the heat exchange for the RF-excited gas discharge in He-Cd laser system. Part II – Numerical Results, Collection of the Jubilee scientific sessions for 30 years of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics at Plovdiv University, 3-4 November, 2000, pp. 117 –121.
  87. Feschiev I.H. and Gocheva-Ilieva S.G., Numerical results of some magnitudes over sets of conjugate functions. Collection of the Jubilee scientific sessions for 30 years of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics at Plovdiv Univ., 3-4 November, 2000, pp. 171-176.
  88. Iliev I.P., Gocheva-Ilieva S.G. and Sabotinov N.V., Numerical evaluation of heat-conductivity for He-Cd laser, NMA’98: Abstracts of the 4th Intern. Conf. Numerical Methods and Applications, August 19-23, 1998, Sofia, Bulgaria, p. 128.
  89. Iliev I., Sabotinov N. and Gocheva S., Determination of some parameters of  the capacity of the radio-frequent lasers, Journal of Technical University of Plovdiv, vol.1 “Fundamental Sciences and Applications - Physics” (1996) 101-105.
  90. Iliev I., Sabotinov N. and Gocheva S., On a model of a copper bromide vapor laser, Journal of Technical University of Plovdiv , vol.1 “Fundamental Sciences and Applications - Physics” (1995) 157-162.
  91. Iliev I.P., Gocheva S.G. and Sabotinov N.V., Numerical modeling of the distribution of the potential in metal vapor lasers, Thesis of report, Third scientific-technical international conference “Lasers-88”, Plovdiv (1988) p. 52.
  92. Илиев И.П., Гочева С.Г., Числено моделиране на електродни профили с еднородни полета. - Научни трудове на ПУ, т. 25, кн. 4 - Физика, (1987) 176-180.
  93. Iliev I.P. and Gocheva S.G., Automatical design of the electrode profiles in the impulse-periodic CO2 lasers, Thesis of report, Second scientific-technical international conference “Lasers-86”, Plovdiv (1986) p. 28.
  94. Гочева С.Г., Музикален редактор за микрокомпютър “Правец 82”,  Научни тр. на ПУ, т. 23, кн. 1 - Математика,(1985).
  95. Гочева С.Г., Волков Л.Г., Прямой метод решения линейных систем из двух матричных уравнений с ленточными матрицами, Приближенные методы для операторных уравнений, Баку, (1984).
  96. Гочева С.Г., Волков Л.Г., Вариант метода матричной прогонки для задач типа реакции-диффузии, Научни тр. на ПУ, т. 22, кн. 1 - Математика, (1984) 312-327.
  97. Гочева С.Г., Волков Л.Г., Метод скалярной прогонки для численного решения дифференциальных систем типа реакции-диффузии, Научни тр. на ПУ, т. 22, кн. 1 - Математика, (1984) 297-311.
  98. Макаров В.Л.,  Гочева С.Г., Разностная схема второго порядка для задачи двух центров в квантовой маханике, Научни тр. на ПУ, т. 22, кн. 1 - Математика, (1984) 285-295.
  99. Гочева С.Г., К решению одной краевой задачи для обобщенного бигармонического уравнения в прямоугольной области, Научни тр. на ПУ, т. 21, кн. 1 - Математика, (1983) 387-396.
  100. Гочева С.Г., О численном решении некоторых эллиптических задач в прямоугольнике, Научни тр. на ПУ, т. 21, кн. 1 - Математика, (1983) 377-386.
  101. Гочева С.Г, Тотков Г.А., Някои проблеми в преподаването на изчислителна математика за педагогическите специалности, Трудове на Нац. Конфер. “Ролята на младия  университетски преподавател в учебния процес”, Варна, 22-24 Септември, 1983, ВИНС,137-141.
  102. Гочева С.Г., Макаров В.Л., Существование точной разностной схемы для задачи Штурма-Лиувилля с обобщенным дифференциальным оператором Эрмита, Научни тр. на ПУ, т. 20, кн. 1 - Математика, (1982) 327-338.
  103. Гочева С.Г., Разностные схемы повышенного порядка точности для бесконечных областей, Автореферат кандидатской диссертации физико-математических наук, Киев, (1981).
  104. Гочева С.Г., Макаров В.Л., О методе сеток для задачи Штурма-Лиувилля с обобщенным дифференциальным оператором Эрмита, Диффер. уравн., Минск, т. 17, №7 (1981) 1237-1249.
  105. Гочева С.Г., Об одном дискретном приближении функции Exp(-x^2), Научни тр. на ПУ, т. 19, кн. 1 - Математика  (1981) 427-433.
  106. Makarov V.L. and Gocheva S.G., Finite-difference schemes of arbitrary accuracy for second-order differential equations on a half-line, Diff Equat+, USA, 17, 367-377 (1981), превод от: Макаров В.Л., Гочева С.Г., Разностные схемы любого порядка точности для дифференциальных уравнений второго порядка на полуоси, Диффер. уравн., Минск, том 17, №3 (1981) 527-540.  
  107. Гочева С.Г., К решению смешанных краевых задач для бигармонического уравнения методом суммарных представлений, Материалы четвертой научной конференции болгарских аспирантов, обуч. в СССР, Москва 1979, Часть II, Изд. на СУ, София, (1980) 855-860.
  108. Чаленко П.И., Гочева С.Г., О решении некоторых смешанных краевых задач для бигармонического уравнения, Вычисл. и прикл. математика, Киев, вып. 40 (1980) 93-102.
  109. Чаленко П.И., Гочева С.Г., Вычислительные формулы для численно-аналитического решения некоторых эллиптических задач, Вычисл. и прикл. математика, Киев, вып. 38 (1979) 119-127.
  110. Чаленко П.И., Гочева С., Рекуррентные соотношения при вычислении решения некоторых задач для уравнения Лапласа и бигармонического уравнения, II Республ. конфер. "Вычислительная математика в современном научно-техническом прогрессе", Киев,  (1978) 84-85.
  111. Георгиев Г., Гочева С., Милев Н., Анизотропна спинова верижка с безкраен радиус на взаимодействие в рамките на метода на функциите на Грийн, ПУ, Сб. трудове на младите научни раб. и студ. - Физика, №3, (1975) 39-50.


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